Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've seen parts...

That is one of my pet peeves. When you ask someone if they've seen a movie and they say, "I've seen parts" what they mean is they saw a commercial or the trailer or an ad in the paper. I hear this all the time and it makes me nuts. Why not say, "No, I haven't" or "I saw a preview on Entertainment Tonight"? At least then I know not to talk much about it. I believe people do this so they don't look stupid. I want to make this clear to those that think this, not having seen a movie or seen a TV show or heard a CD or played a game or read a book does not make you stupid. In fact, sometimes actually having done one of those things can make you feel dumber and potentially may kill off brain cells (I haven't seen any research on this so it's a guess). This blog may be hazardous to your intellect, who knows? But one thing I can say with certainty is you are not stupid for not having read it.

My friend Chris used to get mad if you would say something like, "How have you not seen that movie? It's a classic." This would really upset him since, to his point, nobody has seen everything and he was positive he's seen things he loved that you hadn't. He shouldn't be made to feel bad for not having seen something. In fact, depending on what it is he might be commended for not wasting his time (Sex and the City Movie, I'm looking your direction).

I guess the bottom line is this, as I write this blog and meet you in day to day life, please don't say you've seen parts, just tell me no or yes and whether or not you would like to. Or better yet, see, hear and do everything I do before we talk so I can feel comfortable and we can have a dynamic conversation.

Vidtastic update: Are you kidding me, we've been watching movies and show like crazy. I think I'll just start listing them and saying great or don't bother. Everything else is worth wasting time with. My XBox360 got a red ring of death (this is number 2 for me) so I've been playing Wii whatever and Metal Gear Solid 4, babyon the PS3! Man do I love that monkey in a diaper.

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